Helping orphans, reaching the lost and needy

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fun day in the village

We had a great day out with our friends in the beautiful village of Bafangi. The roads were really great as the rains haven't been too serious; I was praying they wouldn't be too bumpy, I really didn't want to deliver my baby in the bush :). The Hamms are Bible translators and have been out there since 2004. They have a lovely little home which they share with their three kids (all under the age of four!). No running water, no electric (they have a solar panel for a couple of lights at night). I'll never complain that we have no water to flush the toilet, at least I have one!

Noah, their son, celebrated his fourth birthday while we were there. Another missionary from a few villages away joined the party , it was a great time of fellowship and good food. The boys had a blast too, getting to see their friends and playing with neighbourhood kids.

Jude playing on Noah's birthday present (pink just for girls is a very western concept)

Neighbourhood kids that are always hanging out at the house, so cute!

Sack races (thankfully I had a good excuse to not participate :)

This is Micah, he was born with a cleft palate... the Hamms have set up for him to have surgery at a hospital. Right now he can't talk.

Josh racing the birthday boy

Their front room

A birthday surprise; sand!

Jude and Ellie having fun

Their kitchen (I had the privilege to bake the cake)

Their little Jo Jo with Micah

1 comment:

Greg and Amy said...

Looks like you guys had such a fun time Holly!! I am glad you guys have some friends not too far away. I am also so happy to hear that little Micah will be getting surgery. That is amazing! It makes me miss Africa so much. One day maybe God will bring us back there!